
joindirectory 375

"To be the connection that enables non-profits and businesses to grow in their local communities by investing in one another's mission - to create awareness and develop strategic partnerships based on the Spirit of Giving."

Doing Good is Good for Business
"The Success of these initiatives is based on the cooperative efforts of the Business and Non-Profit Organization for mutual benefit."  American Express 1983


How the Long Island Way Achieves it’s Mission and Vision

Our mission is to promote your organization through marketing strategies designed to increase your funding, provide support and connect you with other businesses and non-profits in the community.  This, in turn, develops long-term mutually beneficial relationships.

  • The Long Island Way builds financial stability, abundance and prosperity within our communities. We enhance our communities by bringing the business and non-profit sectors together.
  • We strengthen the visibility, client base revenue for non-profits and businesses in our communities.
  • We help forge strong communities through community service and business partnerships, energizing and inspiring people to make a difference.
  • We reinforce your branding, resulting in increased name recognition from increased exposure.

Linking businesses with non-profits to succeed together by engaging consumer and community outreach in variety of ways. We cultivate a spirit of giving and sharing through cause marketing, education and networking. 

The Long Island Way rewards non-profits and businesses by giving back to each other …it’s a Win-Win-Win all around! 

Our Mantra

Believe in the Mission, Participate in the Organization and Reap the Benefits!

The Long Island Way Online is the culmination of my life’s work — a business system that matches established businesses with non - profit organizations to form mutually beneficial relationships. The mission of The Long Island Way Online— 'We connect people to help make a difference through the Spirit of Giving' — is my own mantra for life.   I have now created a way to merge my personal aspirations with a viable business model, engaging both the business and non-profit communities on Long Island.



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